© Triplestrand Productions 2004 - 2025

Tsp Country Radio's flagship radio show which started back in 2004 not thinking that from such humble beginnings just how quickly it's popularity would spread. Now with a weekly radio audience estimated at over 2 million listeners and syndicated to over 700 stations all over the world, it offers tremendous exposure for the Independent Country Artist.
Hosted as it was from the beginning by Triplestrand's very own Dixie McCorkell , the show features the very best in emerging Independent Country Artists only,offering a vast range of music within the complete spectrum that is Country Music Today with fresh new and original songs often making their Radio Debut. Stations that don't normally carry Independent Artists are turning on to the sheer variety and quality of music that Country Legends presents and are using this show to fill their Independent Artist requirements. So sit back relax and enjoy the Country experience that is
" Country Legends In The Making " Keep it Country Ya'll .